An expert in the field of early childhood education, Elizabeth McKenna, joins us to discuss essential elements for success at school. She has incorporated play as a core ingredient to the early childhood programs she has developed. Here are some of her thoughts regarding play in education: In my twenty-five years in the field of […]
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Pumpkins for Learning
I love October. Yes, the trees look fabulous wearing their brilliant regalia, but as a facilitator in early childhood education, the season offers a panoply of themes to build: Fine motor Skills Visual Motor Skills Spatial Reasoning Skills Tactile Discrimination Today I begin with a favorite: Drawing Pumpkins A pumpkin is essentially a circle (or […]
Leaf Drawing Activity
Leaf Collecting is a time honored tradition of childhood. Shuffling though piles of leaves and searching for the most beautiful specimens can be a delight for children. Bending over to pick up each spied treasure and making a bouquet of the collection can easily fill an afternoon. Here are some benefits of leaf collecting: Visual focus: […]
Motor Play to Enhance Growth in the C...
Come Join me in New York! The pages of this website are filled with ideas on how and why sensory motor play helps children learn, behave and generally lead healthier, happier lives. I am happy to announce that I will be giving a day long intensive workshop in NY this November at Bank Street College […]
A New School Year Begins!
As schools begin to open for the start of another academic year, I thought it appropriate to discuss one of the key elements to success in school: Nutrition. We have focused on growing healthy food in the Garden Series. I also talk a lot about the importance of movement to help children focus and learn. […]
The Power of Touch in Gardening
Some folks LOVE GOOEY and others HATE GOOEY. I have a colleague who confessed that she wretches just looking at a worm. And yet the children at our community garden love worms. They search for them, hold them, stroke them and carry them around. A little girl placed several on her arm and tilted her […]
Animal of the Year!
Each year at the Truro Community Children’s Garden, an animal is selected as the featured “pet” for the year. The nascent gardeners learn about them, draw pictures of them and feature them in garden displays as the season draws to a close. Last year the children selected chickens. They learned about the obvious benefit of […]
“I Like Making Food”
When discussing our collective experiences in growing a Children’s Garden at the Truro Central School, a second grader summed it up by stating, “I like making food.” The students participated in the process of planting seeds, amending and tending to the soil, weeding and best of all, harvesting delicious food. Along the way, they acquired […]
Soccer Frenzy!
All the World Cup buzz has reminded me of soccer. I have never attended a professional soccer game, but I have spent countless hours on the sidelines of my kids’ soccer teams. I even had a brief stint co-coaching my daughter’s team. I remember sunburns on chilly spring days and struggling in the pre-GPS days, […]