Inclusive Resource on Sensorimotor Child Development for Parents and Teachers

Posts in category Core Strength

Scooter Boards


If there was only one piece of equipment I was allowed to keep, it would be my scooter board.  Built by my husband 28 years ago, it’s still solid as a rock and works beautifully. Countless number of children have gotten stronger, mastered critical motor skills and had fun on my scooter. Riding a scooter […]

GAK: A Tactile Extravaganza

GAK: A Tactile Extravaganza

  One of my colleagues takes one look at GAK and wants to puke…definitely sensory issues going on.  While I personally have some real tactile hypersensitivities, I am fascinated by the textural experience GAK provides. This big blue blob feels wet, cold and gooey.  But it’s actually dry and not very messy.  It has a […]

Swinging for Babies and Toddlers

Swinging for Babies and Toddlers

When I was young, my mother sent me outside and I would spend HOURS swinging.  I would sing, I would close my eyes to surprise myself by how high I’d gone and as I got bigger I’d challenge myself by jumping off at the highest point. Swinging does so many good things for sensory motor […]

Swinging for Preschool and Beyond

Swinging for Preschool and Beyond

When I was young, my mother sent me outside and I would spend HOURS swinging.  I would sing, I would close my eyes to surprise myself by how high I’d gone and as I got bigger I’d challenge myself by jumping off at the highest point. Swinging does so many good things for sensory motor […]

Jumping Rope


It amazes me that almost every girl in my second grade class (probably 20) waited in line to jump rope during recess.  On a good day we may have had three turns during that precious thirty minute break.  There was no adult telling us to do this.  It’s just what we did. We didn’t do […]

Bike Riding for Preschool and Beyond

Bike Riding for Preschool and Beyond

I have a sister five years older than me and in my formative years I spent most of my time trying to “catch up” to her. That may be why I learned to ride a two wheeler at three years of age.  Having safe sidewalks and uncluttered days to practice at my leisure surely helped […]

Bike Riding Basics for Babies and Tod...

Bike Riding Basics for Babies and Toddlers

OK, so a baby isn’t going to mount a two wheeler…not even a trike.  But there are many activities that engage little ones so they’re all set to go once they get big enough to straddle a ride toy! I highlight bicycle riding not because it is a favorite of mine (which it is) but […]



Swimming is one of the primary motor skills every human being should acquire.  Why?  It may save your life some day. So how do you go about teaching your child to swim?  There are many excellent swimming programs available and this site does not intend to be an exhaustive guide in swimming skill development.  As […]

Scooters and Plungers

Scooters and Plungers

It is always fun to see the reaction of children when I pull out a plunger to play with.  Even at a very young age, children acquire a sense of place – and plungers belong in the toilet, certainly not in the gross motor room.  After I assure them that the plunger I use has […]

Crab Walking

Crab Walking

Some people say I’m lucky because I never had to spend a lot of money on a “professional wardrobe.”  If I had to give one reason why I couldn’t indulge myself in stylish skirts and dresses I’d sum it up in two words:  “Crab Walking.”  As a “go to” activity for trunk strengthening and improving […]

Blanket Roll-Ups: Fun for Trunk Rotat...

Blanket Roll-Ups: Fun for Trunk Rotation Strength and Organization

  I work with children of all shapes, sizes and areas of difficulty.  “Blanket Roll-Ups” is an activity all children love!  It is simple and requires nothing more than a favorite blanket, a carpeted floor (or mat) and a caregiver’s strong arms. Benefits: This activity taps into all sensory areas so it is a hugely […]